The establishment of Regional districts:

2021 YPT Regional DistricT Board of Directors

YPT is an international organization with a growing number of local chapters.

To support YPT’s value to members, its growth, and impact on the transportation community, a strategic initiative to create Regional Districts, with Regional Board of Directors is being explored.

Much like the U.S. system with a federal, state and local governance. Regional Districts could serve as an intermediary level of leadership to support the organization in several ways as we continue to expand.

YPT Regional Districts can provide organizationally:

  1. Local Support & Strengthen the Leadership Pipeline – Create a pipeline for over 150 local chapter leaders to serve at an intermediate level of responsibility for a larger area encompassing several states/provinces and several local chapters. Regional Districts would act as a vital support pillar for local chapters.
  2. Catering Regional Programming & Collaboration – Regional districts can help with larger events and programming for members in that region and support local chapters that want to work with other chapters in that region. A regional district board can help develop a regional mentorship program that can bring together a larger pool of transportation professionals. Regional awards, regional YPT Conferences, and an annual study tour of a city in regions were some of the many ideas already suggested by local chapter leaders.
  3. Supporting Chapter Expansion & Membership Growth from Smaller Cities to Rural Areas – Regional boards can develop programming and serve the needs of young transportation professionals in the region rather than in just a single city. A regional board can provide programming at a regional level that provides value to and engages members in cities without an active chapter, supporting membership growth.

We are currently accepting applications for our new YPT Regional District Board of Directors in both North America and Europe. Please complete the interest form via the link below if you are interested in supporting this strategic initiative and further leadership opportunities in the transportation community!

YPT Regional District Board of Directors Interest Form:

the establishment of profession/interest divisions

YPT is an international organization with a growing number of chapters in many cities. YPT has always relied on a geographical organization to develop programming for the needs of its members. However, in cities where certain sectors of transportation are small, there isn’t a lot of programming done for members in those industries.

This means young professional members in a certain sector of transportation or interested in a certain sector of transportation may not join or may not experience as much value in YPT as other members. 

To support YPT’s value to members, its growth, and impact on the transportation community, a strategic initiative to create Profession/Interest-Based Divisions with a Directorate Leadership is being explored.

Much like the U.S. federal cabinet system, with specific departments, focused on specific sectors, Profession/Interest-Based Divisions could support the organization in several ways as we continue to expand.

YPT Profession/Interest-Based Divisions can provide organizationally:

  1. Industry/Interest Specific Programming – Industry/Interest programming will maximize membership value to members anywhere. With more virtual programming than ever, a dedicated leadership group can develop high-quality programming on specific transportation topics for members and non-members who want to learn more about a specific transportation sector or topic. 
  2. Boost Value to YPT & Membership Growth – YPT Members & Interested Non-Members may very much want to expand their career in a specific sector and focus. This profession/interest-based division will help them to do so and also incentivize membership.
  3. Non-Geographical Leadership with Local and Regional Collaboration Opportunities –  Profession Based Divisions can work to host programming with local and regional leaders, but make such programming, if done virtually, more accessible to all members, especially in cities and more rural areas without local chapter programming.

In our new digital environment, YPT will start off with a few divisions in 2021 focused on the industries YPT members are interested in and develop programming and information for those specific industries. With interest, we would expand the number of divisions over time.

Please complete the interest form via the link below if you are interested in supporting this strategic initiative and further leadership opportunities in the transportation community! 

YPT Profession/Interest Divisions Strategic Initiative Interest Form:

Global Membership Taskforce

Young Professionals in Transportation International (YPT) is a membership-driven organization dedicated to supporting professional development, fellowship, and networking for new professionals in the transportation field.

Membership to YPT is open to all young transportation professionals around the world. We DO NOT have an age-restricted definition of “young” in YPT. Anyone is welcome to participate in our activities.

YPT International has more than a 1000 members across North America lead by an international board of directors and supported by 25 local chapters in cities across North America.

The YPT International Board is now aiming to expand internationally to other continents and is now seeking interested members to assist in identifying contacts, locations, and ideas that would support our international expansion.

We have initiated applications for European districts, but are seeking to expand to more locations. Please complete the interest form via the link below if you are interested in supporting this strategic initiative and further leadership opportunities in the transportation community!